The “6 Figure Connect System” our coaches, consultants, course creators and service provider clients are using to get their dream clients saying “YES”... 

…without the sleaze!

Okay, Sophie:

✔ I watched the video.

✔ I’m a coach, consultant, course creator or service provider.

✔ I need your help.

✔ Please: Show me what to do step-by-step.

✔ Short cut everything with your plug and play swipe files and templates.

✔ Offers, messaging, copy, emails, videos, sales, tech and more.

✔ So I can scale to $20k months and beyond fast!

✔ I know this requires an investment.

✔ That’s okay - I’m ready. 

✔ And I’d love to learn more.

Assuming all of that’s true?

After 15 months of no results… Lala hit $10k in the first 30 days selling.


After 2 years of going it alone... In 30 days Toni hit record sales by over 30%.


After 2 years of going it alone... $2500 paid in full on her very first sales call.


After 12 months working with coaches not feeling aligned to their marketing and sales strategies. 
In 30 days learnt how to communicate the value and signed next dream client on the call.


After 12 months of going it alone... 
Learnt how to communicate her value and sell her first $4,000 package.

✔ Offer and pricing swipe files so you can start selling quicker

✔ Copy writing experts reviewing your message and ads to ensure you stand out online

✔ Plug and play marketing and sales funnels  

✔ Word for word sales scripts to genuinely connect with your audience

✔ Learn how to grow a Facebook group that converts quality leads

✔ Facebook Marketing expert ensuring you have the right targeting and get your ads in front of the right people

✔ PLUS: Mindset clearing session to shift out any blocks or resistance that are holding you back from your dream business and life

By now, you're probably wondering,

“what’s this going to cost me?”

And it’s a fair question to ask, of course.

The real question, however, is what is your inaction costing you? What are you missing out on by not moving forward with your vision?

My service, advice and years of experience doesn’t come for free, and neither should yours. I charge a fair rate so that I can help you discover your own value and rise.

Taking action right now has so many incredible benefits if you’re a coach, consultant, course creator or service provider… Besides the obvious boost your business will get from working with me, I’m also feeling generous lately. So if your business falls into one of these categories, then I’m offering you a scholarship rate - colleague to colleague.

Taking action is the key to your progress and I’m happy to reward the brave.

Full price is just around the corner, however, so don’t get caught falling back into old habits and missing this opportunity.

Hitting that book a call button will release you from everything that might have held you back once upon a time.

And the fees? You’ll find they more than pay for themselves as you step into your potential.

The truth is… if you spent twelve hours a day, seven days a week… for years… without my guidance, you wouldn’t get anywhere near what I can do for you in just 90 days.

The choice is yours!

Commonly asked question #1: How do you get results?

We co-create everything with you. You have lifetime access to my step-by-step, easy to follow program, backed by live calls with me and my coaches multiple times a week to review your work, answer your questions and get that winning mindset firing.

You are fully supported through your journey with the best and brightest coaches in their fields… including working directly with me!

Commonly asked question #2: How soon will I see results?

That’s entirely up to you.

I’ve seen clients make in their first month of working with me what they did in the entire year before by simply implementing the strategies I teach.

By tapping into that action taker within, you will see results from week 1.

If you’re ready to rise, this is your time.

Commonly asked question #3: What type of results should I expect?

Ahh, the ‘how long is a piece of string’ equivalent.

If you can dream it you can be it.

Each individual client has such specific aspirations and inspirations. I work with you to develop your brand, your business, your dreams in a way that works for you. Everything is tailored for your success.

We will devise your personal blueprint to success together.

And from there? The sky is the limit…

Commonly asked question #4: Why would this work when nothing else has?

Chances are the support you have received in the past, if you’ve even had any, has fallen short.

The very best part of the Wealthy Woman Mastermind is the incredible support you receive from me, my coaches and your fellow students.

We have built a community of success, and set you up for your slice of the glory.

Together, we rise.

Epically supported.

Powerfully informed.

Laser focused.
We’ll be in the trenches with you -- crafting offers, getting your message on point, side-by-side as you communicate your value online and in person. But take action now. Before the price doubles, before there’s a waiting list, before the Bonuses are gone for good!
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